Alhamdullelah, Allah has blessed us to live to these last days of Ramadan. May Allah accept from all of us the fasting and the prayers. Ameen!
Eid mubarak to you and your family! In shaa Allah Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Friday, June 15th. Prayer will begin at 7:15 AM sharp in shaa Allah. The location of Eid prayer this year will be Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Rooms 302 and 306. After the prayer, ISGL will in shaa Allah provide donuts and juice for breakfast outside and in front of Class of 1950 building (refer to the map). Please, feel free to bring any food, sweets or drinks (coffee, tea.. etc) to share with the community.
Eid mubarak to you and your family! In shaa Allah Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Friday, June 15th. Prayer will begin at 7:15 AM sharp in shaa Allah. The location of Eid prayer this year will be Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Rooms 302 and 306. After the prayer, ISGL will in shaa Allah provide donuts and juice for breakfast outside and in front of Class of 1950 building (refer to the map). Please, feel free to bring any food, sweets or drinks (coffee, tea.. etc) to share with the community.